Established in 2019
Our show continues to grow every year providing a family fun day for all ages!

Established in 2019
Our show continues to grow every year providing a family fun day for all ages!

founded in 2019
Founded by Leanne
Lyons & family
In 2018 Leanne's husband David Lyons sadly lost his battle with his mental health and from this the Breaker Breaker Truck show was formed in aid of Men's Mental Health particularly within the Haulage industry . With the great success of the first show in 2019 the Breaker Breaker Truck show continues to grow every year providing a family fun day for all ages whilst promoting Men's mental health. Come be part of an amazing day for a worthy Cause
breaker breaker truck show 2024
Get Involved With Our Show

Pounds Raised
Last Year!!!
Last Year!!!

charity truck show
promoting Mental
Health for all
- £21,123.02 Raised in 2021 !!
- All funds raised by ticket sales, public donations auctions, raffles and functions are used to pay for the support outlined.
- Private individuals and corporations and business can make donations for specific running costs, such as I.T., advertising, Social-Media, office equipment, upkeep of the Hub and other transport costs etc.
- Larger donations and ongoing corporate funding/Sponsorship can help to ensure the long-term continuation of the charity however agreed.